Thursday, February 08, 2007

Question 8

Sorry. I dont know how to do what Meldee did. With the bubbleshare thing. =


Mackenzie's Test Question 12

Dave interviewed a number of students in his school regarding their favorite ice cream. Dave claimed that exactly 40% of the 37 students interviewed liked vanilla the best. Is it possible to determine whether David's claim is correct? Why or why not?

Dave claimed that EXACTLY 40% of the students liked vanilla ice cream. Dave's claim was incorrect because 14.8 is not a whole number, you can't have 8 tenths of a person:P


charmaine's cumulative question # 7

(7) Christina practices figure skating an average of
15 hours per week. Kayla practices figure skating an average of 1.5 hours for every hour Christina practices. How many hours a week does Kayla practice?

- CHRISTINA : average of 15 hours per week
- KAYLA : average of 1.5 hours for every hour Christina practices

To find how many hours a week Kayla practices, you have to multiply 1.5 by 15. You'll get 22.5 as the answer.

So I would say that Kayla practices figure skating 22.5 hours a week.

just comment if i made mistakes.

Meldee's cumalative test question 5

(5) What is 20% of 156?
30 is 29% of what number?
44 is what percent of 62?
55% of 26 is what number?

I'm sorry about the last question, I'll post it up early tomorrow morning.

Question 10 Pre-test

(10.)An ice chest contains 9 cans of apple juice, 8 cans of grape juice, 7 cans of orange juice, and 5 cans of pineapple juice. Suppose you reach into the container and randomly select a can. What is the probability that you will pull a,
apple Juice
Grape Juice
pineapple or orange juice

To get the probability you first have to find out what the total possible outcomes are, and to get that you have to add up all the cans of juice in this question. The total possible outcomes is the denominator. Then you put the number of cans of juice that they ask you ( for example apple juice ) and put the number of cans of apple juice as the numerator. After that you get the percent by dividing the numerator by the denominator and multiplying the answer by 100. When it saids Pineapple or Orange Juice you don't do it seperatly, you combine them.

TPO = Total Possible Outcomes

9+8+7+5=29 29=TPO

Question 11

Is taking 10% off a given item and then an additional 40% off the reduced price the same as taking 50% off the original price? Why or why not.

Taking 10% off a given item and then an additional 40% off the reduced price is the same as taking 50% off the original price because you already reduced the price by 10% and the took away an additional 40%, you end up taking away 50%.

10% + 40% = 50%
50% = 50%

Levi's Cumulative Review Question #9

(9) Find the mean median and mode of the following sets of numbers.
1.) 2,5,7,8,3,6,4,5,1

2.) 12,4,16,22,19,4,

3.) 78,45,45,78,60,75

Mean: The sum of set of data and divided by the number of pieces of data. Also known as the average.
ex: 1, 2, 3,= 1+2+3= 6
÷3= 2

Median: The middle number of a set of data. if there are two, you add them and divide it by 2.
ex: 1, 2, 3, or if 1,2, 2, 3= 2+2= 4

Mode: The number that shows the most.
ex. 3, 4, 4, 7, 12, 12, 12= mode:12
or in some cases there are more than one mode
ex. 21, 23, 23, 28, 33, 40, 40= mode: 23 & 40

1.) 1,2,3,4,5,5,6,7,8
1+2+3+4+5+5+6+7+8= 41÷9= 4.5

Mean: 4.5
Mode: 5

Median: 5

2.) 4,4,12,16,19,22
4+4+12+16+19+22= 77÷6= 12.83
Mode: 4
Median: 14

3.) 45,45,60,75,78,78
45+45+60+75+78+78= 381÷6=
63.5 Mean: 63.5
45 & 78
Median: 14

I hope you understood this well!. .WISH US ALL GOOD LUCK ON OUR CUMULATIVE TEST!!!

Question 4 Pre-test

4) What is the Square root of the following numbers. Use your perfect square chart and fractions. Do not use a calculator.
Square Root of 27, 46, 72, 115.

To find out the square root of a number, you must first find the closest perfect square. Next, find out what the side is of that perfect square. That will be your whole number. Next, count how many numbers there are between the first perfect square and the next perfect square. This will be the denominator for the extra bit that will be on the end. Then count how far your number is between the corresponding perfect squares and that wil be your numerator. The answer should look like 36 10/13. That's not actually one of the answers but just an example. See below for answers.

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 25
√=5 36-25=12 27-25=2

27=5 2/11

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
36 √ 6 49-36=13 46-36=10

46= 6 10/13

64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 64
√ 8 81-64=17 72-64=8

72=8 10/17

100101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121

√ 10 121-100=21 115-100=15

115=10 15/21

If you have any ideas for me to make this better, leave a comment

Question 6

Jacob has a record of winning 2 boxing matches for every 5 he loses. If he had 49 matches during the last year, how many did he win?

He won 14 matches out of 49.
To get the total number of matches you have to add the total number of matches. He won 2 and lost 5 so the total is seven. To figure out the answer you have to divide 7 by 49 which is 7. Then multiply 7 by 2 which is 14.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Stovin's Bob

understand that at all. During the quiz i had no idea about what i was doing . Really the only thing I understood This unit was hard for me at the start cause it all didn't make sense. We started to learn about the table charts witch was easy to understand.Than we got into the X K Y chart and i didn't understand at all it was hard to get so i never used it. Than the sentence type thing was the easiest thing to do so I understood that completely and thats bout it. The quiz was easy for the most part but I didn't really understand what to do so I just winged it :) good luck on the test and i hope i pass to!!!!!!!!

Marjo's bob.

In this unit Mr. Harbeck gave us a blue booklet, which had different problems to solve on every single page. Although some of the pages were easy like the number lines. For me the most difficult lesson in the booklet was the end word problems. I had problems in this part because i didn't know how to use the XKY chart. The XKY chart is a formula used to a second way to figure out problems. When you couldn't use the XKY chart we used the ratio table. Which was abit easier for me. And during this unit we've had tests and quizzes. Ive had problems with them all. But i did learn somethings from them. And remember not to over think the test tomorrow. Okay, well thats my BOB. buhbyeee. GOODLUCK ON THE TEST TO ALL THE STUDENTS!

rooster's bob

In the beginning of this unit, i was surprised because it was kinda easy. Especially the work in the blue booklet. Near the end of this unit, i started to get problems. But Mr. H showed us how to use the XKY charts and the ratio tables, this really helped me with the problems in the unit. The housing booklet was kinda hard, but Mr. h helped us in class. There were some pretty easy questions though, like in the quiz. We had to reduce the original size of the house to half. This was really easy, the answer practicly just came to me. I didn't really have a chance to know what to do in the Proportion Reasoning thingy cause i wasn't here. But i copied Danny's .. BUT, Ms. Marshell said i could. Overall, this unit taught me a lot, like how to use the XKY charts and the ratio tables.

Cash's BOB post..

This unit on Proportional reasoning was a bit confusing for me. I didnt understand anything at the start of this unit. But the Blue booklet and the housing booklet helped alot too. When Mr. Harbeck showed us the x/k/y chart and the Ratio Tables, all the work became a lot eaaasier. I find the Ratio Table easy because it easier to show your work. I also find the x/k/y chart hard because i don't understand it but maybe if i got to learn how to use it it would be more easier. On the quiz yesterday there were 20 questions hopefully they don't have all those questions on it because i only finished 7 of them, but i think i'll do pretty good on the test today. Well the BIG test is tomorrow I hope I don't fail it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

julie's bob

I didn't really get the beginning of this unit. I know all you have to do is count but then it was kinda hard for me because sometimes the questions are confusing. It got easier for me when Mr. Harbeck told us about the xky chart and the ratio tables and how it's gonna help us solve the questions/problems. It really helped me alot. It's really easy to understand using those different ways to show your answer. The hardest part of this unit was the proportional reasoning and that part on the quiz where you have to change the size of the house. Mr. Harbeck told us not to overthink it or else we'll fail so dont overthink on your test tomorrow. I really like the word problems, I find it easy and its a good exercise to do. So anyways thats my BOB. Good Luck to everyone tomorrow! and DONT OVER THINK! =P

// charmaine's bob

I'd have to say that this proportion unit was hard. When we started answering those questions in the blue booklet, I thought that it was going to be easy. But then as the unit went on, I started struggling. Im still having trouble with Propotional Reasoning and Word Problems which i need to learn more about. I think that the equivalent fraction was the easiest way. The three ways helped us solved problems easily. Okay anyways, tomorrow is the unit test. So yeah, I have to study now. Bye.

Bruno's BOB

This unit i thought was really confusing in the beginning but when Mr.H kept teaching us this unit it kinda was clear for me but i still have got the answers wrong but i hope the test will be easy questions so i can get the questions right what i thought was easy for this unit was the setup for getting the answers like the charts and x,k,y and stuff what i thought was hard in this proportion was getting answers but this is sometimes but i hope i do good on that test i was away for two days so i hope that test is easy and its answers i can solve them and this unit for me was fair what i mean is i kinda didn't like it but its wasn't so bad so in the middle for me and i hope this is a good bob oh by the way out of all the units i thought this one was the hardest so i hope this no more like this cause i have to think and people your right it just counting but it not just that its counting and thinking that what i think well laters everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anna's BOB

I thought this unit was quite hard at first but it got easier throughout the unit. In this unit I learned how to get answers with ratio tables and x k y charts. The easiest thing about this unit is the word problems… The thing I found hard about this unit is the proportion reasoning thingys, like when you had to change the sizes without changing the shape! It got easier when Mr. H. showed us the steps on how to find the answer and then yeah… So I hope I'll be able to boost up my mark through this. Overall this was my favourite unit because it was like the only unit I understood!

Mark I's BOB

This unit was pretty hard I say. In the beginning it was pretty hard but throughout the unit I started getting it. In this unit I learned how to get answers with ratio tables and x k y charts. I'm still having trouble with the x k y chart. I really don't know what to put for the top. All this unit is counting, well mostly it is. Tomorrow is the test, hope i don't blow it like how I blew the quiz, i think? Well this unit is almost over so yeah thats good.

Levinia's Bob

The Proportion Unit was pretty challenging. Some people say that if you can't figure out something, you have think outside the box but on this unit, you do and you don't. Some parts of this unit was pretty easy, you don't have to think too hard to get the answer and some part were (very) hard. I find that the blue book was really easy because it's just like fraction. I also find that the ratio table, equivalent fraction and x k y chart was sort of easy because it helped me so much so I could solve problems easily. What I find hard about this unit is the propotional reasoning, when you had to change the sizes without changing the shape. There were also hard problem solvings. Some of them were confusing because of how the question were made.

There were countless of stuff I learned and I enjoyed it!

Meldee's BoB

Well, this unit was a bit confusing at first. When Mr. Harbeck gave us the blue booklet, I thought "Hey, this'll be an easy unit". Was I ever wrong. As we went along the unit, I found out different ways of finding out how to use fractions. Then we cotinued on to ratio tables and proportions. Now THAT was confusing. We had 3 quizes during the unit and I seriously goofed up the last one, well so did almost everyone else, by overthinking it. I learned how to use a ratio table to find answers to specific types of questions. Overall, this unit taught me alot about ratio tables, proportions and fractions.


This unit was a bit confusing for me at first, but things became clear once I looked at it a bit closer. And that last quiz--I think I did overthink that one. It didn't occur to me that I had to actually cut the house in half until the quiz was over. But I did find a way to get that second fraction with an operation that works almost every time (if the numbers were put in right). I still have some trouble with that second page where I had to draw a rectangle in a way that it made the shaded part that part out of a whole. In all, I think I learned a lot from this unit and now know that much more about this fact of life called math.

Dan's Scribe Post for Feb 6/07

Today we did a review for the test tomorrow. It consisted of 21 questions that, in my opininion, were easy. I'll show you how to do a few now

6. A store makes a profit of $15,000 for every 300 coats that they sell. If they make a profit of
$25,000, how many coats did they sell

7. David read 40 pages of a book in 50 minutes. How many pages should he be able to read in 80

8. Audio Jeannie takes inventory of her closet and discovers that she has 8 shirts for every 5 pair ofjeans. If she has 40 shirts, how many pairs of jeans does she have?

9. Jim found out that after working for 9 months he had earned 6 days of vacation time. How manydays will he have earned after working for two years?

17. If 3 apples cost 29¢, how much do 45 apples cost?

We also had to hand in our blue books and the house proprtions booklet.

Dan's BoB

I thought this unit was pretty easy. The whole unit was about counting things. I do admit that it was a bit hard to understand what you were asking us to do at the beginning, but now it's clear. I still have a little bit of trouble with splitting shapes into pieces. Like the one on the test that you gave us a few days ago. I thought it had more to do with mathematics than just eyeballing it. The test does look pretty easy now that I look at the work that we've done. I just want to get over this unit. Each step is closer to summer.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Michelle's BOB

In this Proportion unit we learned how to to use equivalent fractions, percents, ratio tables, x k y charts and unit rates.

I think the easiest was doing word ratios because it took less effort. I thought reducing and enlarging shapes the most difficult. I found using ratio tables, x k y charts and equivalent fractions very helpful when you have to solve word problems. I didn't do so well on the quiz we did the other day because I doubled the area instead of the dimensions. I learned a lot in this unit.