Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Cash's BOB post..

This unit on Proportional reasoning was a bit confusing for me. I didnt understand anything at the start of this unit. But the Blue booklet and the housing booklet helped alot too. When Mr. Harbeck showed us the x/k/y chart and the Ratio Tables, all the work became a lot eaaasier. I find the Ratio Table easy because it easier to show your work. I also find the x/k/y chart hard because i don't understand it but maybe if i got to learn how to use it it would be more easier. On the quiz yesterday there were 20 questions hopefully they don't have all those questions on it because i only finished 7 of them, but i think i'll do pretty good on the test today. Well the BIG test is tomorrow I hope I don't fail it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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